The Unique Interview

The two-seat table at Yuan Zhou's restaurant was made of wood and wasn't particularly big. Therefore, when two people sat opposite each other, they weren't actually that far from each other.

At first, Shu Hui did not notice Yuan Zhou's sitting posture. After all, she was busy preparing for the interview.

But after she was done with her preparation, she was immediately shocked by Yuan Zhou's sitting posture the moment she raised her head.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Yuan Zhou had a very serious-looking posture. His back was perfectly straight, one of his hand rested on his thigh while the other was rested on the table, and his eyes were gazing forward.

The layers of Han attire on him were perfectly neat, not even a crease could be found.

Affected by Yuan Zhou's upright and serious sitting posture, Shu Hui unknowing straightened her own back as well.