Everyone Went Back for Chinese New Year

Time passed quickly and soon, it was only three days away from the Chinese New Year. Yuan Zhou's restaurant was still open for business.

The number of customers had reduced considerably. After all, as the Chinese New Year got nearer, more and more people went back to their hometowns.

Even so, there was still a continuous stream of customers.

"Tsk, Chinese New Year is coming soon. Why are you still here for breakfast?" Wu Hai looked at Ma Zhida who was in front of him in the line disapprovingly.

"I'm going back home after this breakfast." Ma Zhida pointed at the luggage he was holding.

"You better leave quickly then. You don't want to miss the ride back home," Wu Hai earnestly said while stroking his mustache.

"No worries. There are still three more hours," Ma Zhida stood there without moving and said.

"Oh." Seeing that his attempt at moving up in the line had failed, Wu Hai did not bother to say anything else.