Accepting A Gift

Wu Hai was completely unaware of everything that had happened at Yuan Zhou's restaurant. After all, the phone signal in the mountains was very bad. Therefore, he hadn't been using his phone and was focusing on painting.

"Little Hai, it's the third day. You have only drunk some honey water for the past few days. If you continue not eating anything, I'm afraid your body won't take it anymore," Zheng Jiawei said with his eyes gleaming with tears.

"Don't worry. I won't die," Wu Hai sent Zheng Jiawei a glance before shifting his gaze to the distant mountain again, his brows furrowed.

"Why not we go back for now, eat some of Boss Yuan's food to replenish your body," Zheng Jiawei persuaded.

"No thanks," Wu Hai shook his head.

But just as Wu Hai was shaking his head, darkness suddenly covered his vision before he lost his consciousness.