Collision Of Meatballs (1)

Naturally, Dean had called Li Li in advance as well and the call had been quickly answered. Therefore, before they reached the kitchen, Li Li had already came out.

"Dean, you're in China?" Li Li asked he greeted both Dean and his assistant with a hug.

Li Li had once met Dean during one cooking competition in France. He rather admired Dean's cooking skills. During that competition, Dean had obtained first place while Li Li was in fifth place.

"Yes. Li, you look well," Dean smiled and started exchanging pleasantries.

"I'm doing alright, I suppose. Are you here to do something?" Li Li said as he gestured to the cameraman behind Dean.

"I am in the midst of filming a rather interesting TV show," Dean said.

"I see. Is there anything you need from me?" Li Li went straight to the point.

"Yes. I need to cook a meal myself but I'm without ingredients and a kitchen. Therefore, I'm here," Dean said as he spread his hands.