The Slightest Difference

"Let's change our seats. You sit here."

Zhou Jia hadn't even placed the dishes on Mouse's table when the big-eyed customer who sat close to the standing position began to speak.

"All right." Mouse was stupefied at the beginning, but when he recognized the big-eyed customer's meaning of wanting to watch the lively scene later, he immediately realized what he should do. He agreed at once and changed their seats with readiness. Naturally, the colleague of Mouse also followed him to the other side.

Though the two people changed their seats, there were actually no vacant seats for the stars who had barely entered the restaurant. The restaurant was full of customers for now.

Li He, Bai Guo, and Jiang Meisi looked at each other. Even if they were filming a program, they couldn't take advantage of their identities of stars and steal others' seats.