Fine, Change It

As mentioned earlier, Yuan Zhou washed rice grains differently than others. In order to not spoil the fresh fragrance of the rice, he had always used an odorless crystal stick to stir the rice grains. With the stirring, the rice grains would collide against each other and pushed the impurities off through friction. That was how Yuan Zhou would wash his rice grains.

And thus, Jiang Meisi, Bai Guo and Li He could see Yuan Zhou using his left hand to lightly shake the porcelain pot while his right hand stirred the rice grains. As he stirred, the rice grains and the water in the pot started spinning.

The rice grains and water spun in a consistent orbit. More importantly, the motions of Yuan Zhou's two hands and his control over the rice grains and the water was a balancing act to create something that looked like a white tornado.