I Will Break My Bones To Show You

After some casual conversation, some started asking about the ice sculpture from the day before.

"Boss Yuan, Boss Yuan, where can I see the dragon you sculpted?" asked a young man in glasses with a curious expression.

"Yeah, yeah, that dragon is amazing. It looks like a real dragon! I heard that there are mountains and water, with the dragon at the center looking the most tyrannical," said a middle-aged woman with a basket of vegetables.

Yuan Zhou started sweating when he heard that question. She was obviously talking about Yang Shuxin's sculpture. He promised that he would not beat the person who told her that was Yuan Zhou's sculpture if he found out who that was. As Yuan Zhou did not stop jogging, everyone was jogging along with him. Fortunately, Yuan Zhou had slowed his steps while those people were talking to him.

"It has already been taken away by someone. You won't be able to see it for now," Yuan Zhou gave a serious reply.