Please Try It

Hu Yue's worry was understandable as Chongqing School of Sichuan Cuisine was known for spiciness.

A defining characteristic of the Saliva Chicken was being fresh. Thus, the chicken had to be cooked immediately after being slaughtered.

"Although this is not the most suitable way of making the dish, with my condition, it is already the best way," Yuan Zhou muttered inwardly. Then, he opened the cabinet. Within were three live chickens.

That's right. Yuan Zhou was going to first kill a chicken before making this cold dish.

"Even the chicken is still alive?" Zhang Yan frowned.

"Saliva Chicken should be fresh. Not bad," Zhou Shijie nodded approvingly.

"Sure. Fresh. But I'm afraid that I will be starved to death before the meal is done," Zhang Yan remarked.

"He has to first slaughter the chicken and remove the feathers before he can cook and serve. We will be waiting a long time," Hu Yue shook his head as well.