I Have Seen Many People Like You.

"A fixed salary of 4000-5000RMB per month and some performance bonus as well as some extra income. Tsk. It seems that I still can't eat more than a few times." The reporter's mental arithmetic ability was fairly good.

He suddenly found that he couldn't eat more than a few times with his income and hence knitted his brows tight.

"Those that have finished their meal. Please go this way." Zhou Jia's voice sounded by the reporter's ear.

Only then did he found that he had stood up and left his seat.

"Oh, okay." On hearing that, the reporter answered subconsciously and then walked out.

As soon as he went out, he heard people discussing the matter about Yuan Zhou winning the award. Then, he suddenly reacted that he wasn't here to eat a meal.

"I haven't interviewed him." The reporter cried out in alarm and immediately turned around towards the restaurant.