Unsearchable Person

"Who is Shameless Wu?" Zhou Xi focused on something that others wouldn't normally focus on.

"There, the one over there," Zhou Shijie pointed at Wu Hai who was practically pouring food down his throat and said with a grumbling tone.

Zhou Xi looked over and saw a mustached guy with ordinary looks and extremely dexterous hands.

"He's faster than me!" Zhou Xi muttered before increasing the speed of his hands.

And when Zhou Xi increased his speed, Zhou Shijie could no longer find a chance to take any food from the plate as Zhou Xi's chopsticks seemed to be everywhere.

"Hold back a bit for your father. What's the point of eating that fast?" Zhou Shijie said with a glare.

"This is fine, father. I got this speed from all the studying I did," said Zhou Xi. His mouth was stuffed full of food yet he could speak extremely clearly.

"You are behaving like you have been starved for days. Eat slower," Zhou Shijie felt like slapping Zhou Xi to death.