Rising Star of the Naming Industry

"I have a pen here," said Wang Hong. He would always have a pen and notebook on him.

He tore a page off the notebook and passed it together with the pen to Wu Zhou. Next, Wu Zhou started noting down all the suggested names.

Mr. Wei even asked Wu Zhou which generation of the Wu Clan his child would be. After all, when naming, one had to follow the hierarchical system of the clan.

However, this was a difficult question for Wu Zhou as he did not even know his own generation within the clan, let alone his child.

"Wu Zhou, remember to tell me so I can visit after the baby is born. I will paint a painting as a gift for the baby."

While everyone was busy talking, a familiar voice rang out from outside.

That's right. Wu Hai who had fled speedily earlier had returned for an unknown reason.

And after leaving behind those words, he rushed away again.