Declaration of War

Zhao Yingjun's reaction was as good as giving no reaction.

"A pampered and spoiled rich kid like you can never endure any hardships. It's good that you finally get to endure some hardships. Hardships help one grow. These are the life lessons spoiled rich kids lack," said Zhao Yingjun like he was some ancient old man.

With a loving look on his face, Fang Heng replied, "Do you dare repeat these words to Ling Hong?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? In any case, his father is still fine," Zhao Yingjun replied.

What Zhao Yingjun did not say was Ling Hong had a much worse temper compared to Fang Heng.

"Normal people will talk nonsense when drunk, but for you, you will only say some nice things when drunk," Fang Heng replied frankly.

They had only seen each other two times while drinking at the pub. They were both great drinkers and would usually buy more liquor after finishing Yuan Zhou's quota.