Two Gains With One Move

Just like that, one served while the other ate. The two looked completely like the best of colleagues. If someone who did not know them saw this, they would have thought the two were actually best friends.

Even Xie Hao's wife who knew well the relationship between the two started wondering if Xie Hao had been lying to her all this while after the meal.

But when she gave it more thought, she couldn't find any reason for Xie Hao to lie about this.

During his free time between cooking different dishes, Yuan Zhou enjoyed watching the satisfaction and joy of his customers while eating. This was a sight that would give many chefs a sense of accomplishment.

"Um?" Yuan Zhou noticed a Superman.

To be precise, it was a man in a Superman outfit. He was about 20 years old, and was probably a cosplayer. He seemed very dedicated to his cosplay, even his hair had been carefully styled.