Big Crabs

"Finally, we reached the final dish. How are you feeling, Head Chef Zuo?" Chef Li asked.

"How is Ao Pi feeling?" Instead of answering, Head Chef Zuo frowned and asked Ao Pi, his partner for today.

That's right. This Rolling Crab Dumpling dish was supposed to be Head Chef Zuo's signature dish, yet Ao Pi happened to be good in crabs as well. Since this dish was very troublesome to make, the two decided to work together.

"Everything is perfectly fine," Ao Pi was filled with confidence. He felt that his cooperation with Head Chef Zuo was not as simple as one plus one equals two.

But after hearing Ao Pi's words, Head Chef Zuo's frown deepened.

"Head Chef Zuo?" Chef Li could not understand what was going on with Head Chef Zuo.

"I'm somewhat worried," said Head Chef Zuo seriously.