Who exactly does he look like?

"This kid is really calm and arrogant, just like me when I was young." Zhou Shijie said to Zhang Yan beside him with a smile.

"You're wild, and I'm calm," Zhang Ji also shamelessly boasted.

"You've said it the other way around. " Zhou Shijie rolled his eyes at Zhang Yan in a bad mood.

Zhang Yan looked at Yuan Zhou with a satisfied expression. At the same time, he was thinking about the matter of his daughter.

On the other side, chef li finally walked to the judging platform and faced the shrimp shell on the plate.

The prawns on the plate were arranged neatly. This was the plate that Zhang Yan had eaten before. Chef li didn't notice anything at first, until he looked at it carefully.

"Why is this shrimp leg so complete? T-there's no meat inside?" Chef li asked in bewilderment.

"Do you understand?" Wang Xiang's voice came from the judges 'panel.