The charm of Dragon Eye bun

It didn't take too long from cooking to steaming, and since only 100 steamers were provided for breakfast, the time was even shorter.

Therefore, when Yuan Zhou carried the bamboo steamer to the table and started to steam it, there was already a long line outside.

Of course, the first person was still Wu Hai. Moreover, it was the refreshed Wu Hai. Such a spirited Wu Hai made even Zhou Jia at the side curious.

"Brother Wu, you didn't sleep all night?" Looking at the tidy clothes on Wu Hai's body that were not pajamas, Zhou Jia asked carefully.

"I think this kid must have drawn all night." The grandpa behind Wu Hai said with a smile.

This old man was naturally the old man who loved eating soup dumplings and fried rice, but loved drinking tea the most.

"No, Wu Hai, have you taken a bath?" Jiang Changxi looked at Wu Hai with puzzlement and said.