Red onion sauce

"It's delicious, super delicious. " Yuan Yuan's hearing was quite good, so she directly heard Jiang Changxi's little doubt.

"Oh?" Jiang Changxi was suspicious in her heart, but her face remained indifferent.

"Yes, yes." Roly Poly nodded his head vigorously and then took another big bite of the egg fried rice with salad dressing.

Jiang Changxi didn't say anything. She just looked at him quietly.

Yuan Yuan, on the other hand, looked at Jiang Changxi and then at the fried rice in her own bowl with a conflicted expression.

"I'm not eating, I'm not trying. " When Jiang Changxi saw Yuan Yuan's expression, she immediately guessed what she was thinking and said immediately.

"Alright," he said. Roly Poly heaved a sigh of relief and started eating again.

Yuan Yuan's cheeks were puffed up when she ate, like a hamster chewing its own food. She was satisfied and enjoyed eating, but she was also very protective of her food.