A big tax collector

After returning to the restaurant, Yuan Zhou continued to study his culinary skills, read books, and tease the system from time to time. When the business time of the pub ended, Shen Min packed up and watched her get on the last bus. Only then did Yuan Zhou go upstairs and prepare to rest.

"The bus is getting more and more punctual these days." Yuan Zhou pulled open the curtain and took a look at the tail light of the bus that was leaving. Then, he sighed with emotion.

That's right. Now Shen Min could take the last bus back to school as soon as she got off work, so it was still very safe.

After a good night's sleep, Yuan Zhou got up early as usual. After washing up, he began to exercise. As for Wu Hai, he didn't come with him today.

"It's still faster to run alone. " Yuan Zhou raised his head and looked at Wu Hai's house on the second floor and said inwardly.

However, just as he thought that, Wu Hai appeared from the stairway.