Thousands of soldiers and horses meet

The target of this group of people was clearly Yuan Zhou and the elite man. Therefore, the elite man immediately became a little scared and struggled harder.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough. I still have things to do." The elite couldn't care less about the pain in his arm that felt like it was about to break and started to struggle violently.

"I won 't," Yuan Zhou answered decisively.

"Let go of me. You're restricting my freedom. It's against the law." The elite started to threaten.

"I still won't let go." Yuan Zhou's eyes were solemn and his hands didn't relax at all.

"Mind your own business, F * ck you." The elite man was a little flustered and exasperated. He opened his mouth and started cursing, but the content of his cursing was silenced by Yuan Zhou on his own initiative.

"I just won't let go." Yuan Zhou was exactly the one who refused to listen to others.