Water Margin (108)

Everyone walked slowly down the mountain. When they reached the car, grandfather Ling said,""Let's have lunch together. "

The few of them didn't say anything and only nodded silently.

"Then let's go back to the house to eat." Grandfather Ling waved his hand, and everyone got into their respective cars.

Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, Yuan Zhou felt that the car seemed to be driving faster than when he came here. The May sky was still as blue as before.

"It's rare to see rain in Rong city. " Yuan Zhou suddenly said softly.

"Exactly. If this was a novel, it would be raining by now." Jiang Changxi said softly.

"Right, if only it was a novel." Yuan Zhou chimed in lightly.

However, Wu Hai was still mumbling,"Where can I go to listen to stories? where can i listen to stories?" Such words.