Chapter 1074-worthy death

"I'm quite happy. " Yuan Zhou nodded his head and then continued eating the porridge with the snow vegetables.

"Give me another bowl." Wu Hai put down the bowl and then said.

"One bowl for each of you, no more." Yuan Zhou took a glance at Wu Hai's clean small celadon bowl and said indifferently.

"Can't you feed the cat with a bowl? we're friends, after all. How can you not let your friend eat?" Wu Hai knitted his brows and said with dissatisfaction.

"Not friends, but a customer and a shop owner." Yuan Zhou corrected her.

"I misjudged you, compass. You're not only a compass but also a stingy compass." Wu Hai stroked his small mustaches and said angrily.

"Thank you for the compliment." Yuan Zhou nodded his head to express his gratitude and then quickly finished the porridge in his bowl unhurriedly.

What a joke, if he didn't finish it earlier, this shameless Wu might just snatch it away.