Pants in the wind

Ling Hong didn't tell them about the news of grandfather Ling. He only told them what Grandpa Jia had done when he was alive.

Because of this, everyone went to Grandpa Jia's grave again after breakfast.

Naturally, Yuan Zhou prepared a large table of good dishes and carried them to the grave. This time, everyone ate a little together in front of Grandpa Jia's grave.

It was just like when he was in the store.

Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the weather became hot. The most obvious change was that the customers who were afraid of the heat had begun to wear short sleeves, while the female customers had begun to wear long and short skirts.

Yuan Zhou, on the other hand, was still wearing the same Han Chinese clothing, except that the fabric was changed into light and breathable linen with long sleeves.

It was just that when he cooked now, he would show his two muscular arms.