Take me as your master

Carpenter Lian had made up his mind to trick Yuan Zhou with his top-notch craftsmanship. No, he was here to widen Yuan Zhou's horizons.

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Carpenter Lian," Yuan Zhou said earnestly.

After saying that, Yuan Zhou took two steps back and prepared to have a good view of Carpenter Lian's craftsmanship.

Yuan Zhou wandered around the empty room for a while and was careful not to step on any wooden materials or tools that were randomly placed on the ground. He looked for a good view and then looked at Carpenter Lian with a serious look.

Yuan Zhou cherished the opportunity to watch Carpenter Lian work up close. After all, they were not related and this was a piece of craftsmanship. Therefore, Yuan Zhou was naturally grateful to Carpenter Lian.

It was rare for Carpenter Lian to be so patient and good-natured. Only after Yuan Zhou found a good seat did he begin to display his craftsmanship.