Wu Hai's motivation for teaching

"What I just said is the main style and direction of sketching." Wu Hai said earnestly while looking at Yuan Zhou.

"I roughly understand." Yuan Zhou nodded his head and said.

As a student, Yuan Zhou was very serious and attentive. While Wu Hai was explaining, he even took out his notebook and recorded his own understanding.

"Then think about what you want to learn." Wu Hai said.

"Alright," he said. Yuan Zhou nodded his head and was about to say his thoughts when he saw Wu Hai take out a recording device.

"Wait," Wu Hai reached out his hand to stop Yuan Zhou and then turned on the recording equipment.

A familiar voice came from inside,""I want to learn how to draw, so I'd like to consult you on some skills in this area."

Wu Hai played the recording three times in a row before he raised his head and looked at Yuan Zhou contentedly,""What did you want to say?"