The purpose of human evolution

"It's sour and spicy, but appetizing," Yuan Zhou said again after he returned to the kitchen.

"It's very beautiful. " Yin ya said.

"Eating is the most important thing." Wu Hai was a man of action. While saying that, he fed it into his mouth.

The bright yellow chicken oil fungus looked like it was growing on a piece of wood. However, Wu Hai was able to pick it up easily. He gently picked up the bottom of the mushroom with his chopsticks and then exerted force on his wrist to pick up a whole mushroom.

"Ah Wu." Wu Hai swallowed it up.

As it was a cold dish, the current weather was neither hot nor cold. However, the moment the chicken oil mushroom entered Wu Hai's mouth, he felt a slight coolness in his mouth, followed by a sour taste.

However, this sourness was different from other sourness. It was obviously fragrant vinegar, because the sourness had a fragrance.

"Ba Ji Ba Ji," Wu Hai directly started to chew.