Yuan Zhou's notebook

Carpenter Lian wasn't surprised by Yuan Zhou's gift. He just nodded his head.

"Well, not bad. Your skills have improved." Carpenter Lian took the wooden box without any hesitation and then said.

"Junior Brother, this is a wooden box made by master himself. You can take it back and slowly study it." Yuan Zhou said when he handed it to Ma Xiao.

Ma Xiao, who was at the side, was immediately at a loss and didn't dare to take it. He said,""No, I can't take it. It's too expensive. It's not worth it. No, no."

Seeing Yuan Zhou still trying to persuade him, Ma Xiao shook his head and said,""It's already a blessing from my ancestors that I was able to witness and participate in the use of such precious yellow Rosewood to make furniture. I can't accept this."

"This is made from leftover materials, and it was personally made by master. Junior Brother, take it." Yuan Zhou said solemnly.

"That won't do either." Ma Xiao still shook his head.