Seeing a vet

"Alright, it's a dead delicacy again. I'll come and take care of you tomorrow." Yuan Zhou knocked on the bluestone pool with his finger and then said.

No one knew whether the crabs were frightened by Yuan Zhou's outstretched fingers or his words, but after Yuan Zhou said that, all the crabs in the pond ran away and hid.

"It's late, time to sleep. " Yuan Zhou stretched his back lazily and then got up and went back to the restaurant.

Speaking of going to bed, although it was a little later than usual, Yuan Zhou still finished packing up very quickly and went to bed.

Although he went to bed one and a half hours late, Yuan Zhou still woke up at 5:30 am and went to the bathroom to wash up with his eyes closed.

"Hiss." With a shiver of the cold water, Yuan Zhou opened his eyes completely. Then, he took a quick bath and changed into his sportswear before preparing to go out.