Successful stealing

By the time Zhou Shijie and Yuan Zhou confirmed the matter of the culinary arts Exhibition, the dishes on the table were almost finished.

However, Zhou Shijie, who talked the most, ate the least this time. As soon as he lowered his head, there were only some leftovers left on the table.

"You stinky brat, you can't do anything normally, but when it comes to eating, you're fast with your mouth and hands." While saying that, Zhou Shijie directly patted Liu Tong's shoulder forcefully.

"Master, I didn't eat much." Liu Tong immediately cried out.

"Aren't you the one who ate it, you pig?" Zhou Shijie pointed at the almost empty plates and bowls on the table and said.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm going to get the Chinese yam." Yuan Zhou said at the right time.

"Alright, little Yuan, you can go." Zhou Shijie immediately said with a gentle voice. Then, he turned to Liu Tong and said fiercely,"You can only eat one piece of the yam later, not even one more bite."