The third internet celebrity dish

The tender crab meat, the fragrance of the pork with oil drops, and the rich soup made ruan Xiaoqing unable to stop eating.

"Awoo." Ruan Xiaoqing took another big bite, and there was only half a bun left in her hand.

This was ruan Xiaoqing's second time eating such a delicious bun, but because they were in the brightly lit shop today, she could see the entire bun more clearly.

"From appearance to taste, I can't be picky. That's the reason I'm alive." Ruan Xiaoqing couldn't help but squint her eyes and sigh.

With this thought in mind, ruan Xiaoqing took another bite of the bun, her face full of happiness and satisfaction.

"It's delicious. " Ruan Xiaoqing sipped the fragrance in her mouth, and this word kept coming to her mind.

When Yuan Zhou carried the steamed buns to the table again, he glanced at ruan Xiaoqing who was eating the steamed buns attentively and felt quite satisfied.