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"Zhi ya," Yuan Zhou closed the back door with a disappointed look and then returned to the courtyard.

In fact, Yuan Zhou suddenly felt disappointed because he found that he didn't know how to chat with Yin ya except for the area he was good at.

This discovery was sudden, and the loss was also a sudden emotion.

However, after being called by broth and being disdained by it, that feeling faded away.

"Should I increase my hobbies other than cooking?" Yuan Zhou was thinking about the feasibility of the problem.

"Ding ding dang, ding ding dang." A cell phone rang.

"It's already this late?" Yuan Zhou woke up instantly and then went up to put down the phone.

It was the time to prepare dinner. Without having the time to think about anything else, Yuan Zhou went upstairs to wash up.

When Yuan Zhou finished washing up and picked up the phone, he found there was an unread message.