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The picture was beautiful and the tea was fragrant. For a moment, everyone was entranced and no one spoke. Even Yuan Zhou was seriously recalling Ji Feng's

That's right. Ever since master Cheng brought the tools over and Ji Feng started to grind the tea leaves, the stone table had been surrounded by people who attended the Tea Party today.

After all, everyone wanted to see the tea drama.

"Good drawing." It was not until Wu Hai's cheer was heard that the surrounding people were awakened.

"It's indeed a marvelous skill, very wonderful. " Grandfather Ling nodded his head.

"The hundred tea shows is also known as the tea splitting method. Master Ji's skill is indeed impressive." Yu daoyi also nodded while stroking his beard.

"Everyone, do you want a cup?" Ji Feng didn't say much when he saw Yuan Zhou pondering. Instead, he picked up another pot of boiling tea and asked.

"I'll have to trouble master Ji then. " Grandfather Ling was the first to respond.