Red wine on sale

After arranging the procedures of selling the red wine in his heart, Yuan Zhou directly went upstairs and took out the glowing fluorescent board again.

As usual, Yuan Zhou finished writing the content upstairs and then settled down.

However, Yuan Zhou didn't hang it up as usual. Instead, he put it on the stairway. After all, it was time to prepare the ingredients for dinner and the liquor had been used up in the morning. Even if he wanted to sell the red wine, he would have to wait until tomorrow.

The current Yuan Zhou's pub was no longer as small as it was at the beginning. Although there were still only three tables and three chairs, more and more people came.

Due to the increase in beer, more people came to drink, but only 12 people came at most in one night.

The place couldn't fit any more than that, but because of the price, most of the drinkers were still old faces who loved wine.

The new faces were Wu Yungui and the other second-generation heirs.