I'm really happy today

The reason for Yuan Zhou's hesitation was very simple. He didn't want to lie, but when he thought of Yin ya's face, he muttered to himself for a while and then said that.

Zhou Shijie, on the other hand, did not doubt that at all. Instead, he asked curiously,""What are you going to Guangzhou for?"

Zhou Shijie couldn't be blamed for being sensitive. He knew that ancestor Zhen and the others were here to communicate with Yuan Zhou. Now that Yuan Zhou suddenly made a trip there, he was naturally sensitive.

"Nothing much. I just went to try the local double-skin milk. I came back the same day." Yuan Zhou said indifferently.

"Double-skin healers? You're starting to learn Cantonese cuisine?" Zhou Shijie was very sharp. Once Yuan Zhou said that, he immediately guessed Yuan Zhou's recent movements.

"I'm learning slowly. " Yuan Zhou said.