Finally here

As a three-star chef, Gabriel had eaten all kinds of good food, including the caviar that was said to be more expensive than gold.

However, the taste of caviar was like seawater exploding in one's mouth. One needed to carefully concentrate to taste the rich and colorful taste.

High-end cuisines usually paid more attention to the taste of the food itself. However, these snacks were made up of various seasonings, and the taste was extremely stimulating, making Gabriel a little unable to stop.

"Oh, this small potato is deep-fried first, then sprinkled with some seasoning. The taste is really heavy, but it's too delicious." Gabriel took the bamboo stick and ate the small potatoes like the people around him.

With Gabriel's culinary skills, he could naturally tell the shortcomings of these dishes, but the novelty and special combinations of these dishes made him forget all of this. He just enjoyed the novelty of the various food combinations.