Love makes one improve

"Oh, will it delay your new dish?" While stroking his small mustaches, Wu Hai just looked at Yuan Zhou with his dead fish eyes rolled up.

"I won 't," Yuan Zhou said affirmatively.

"That's good. " After saying that, Wu Hai directly turned around and went upstairs. He didn't even stay for a second.

As for whether he would go upstairs and cry while hugging lots of meat, no one knew.

Yuan Zhou looked at Wu Hai's back and then said in a low voice with an expressionless face,""I really don't understand the thoughts of single people now. They're really fickle."

After saying that, Yuan Zhou lowered his head and continued to practice sculpting. After all, he had to spend time with his dear girlfriend in the afternoon and had to practice more in the morning.

That's right. Even if Yuan Zhou accompanied Yin ya in the afternoon, he would still find time to make up for the lack of practice during this period.