Carving tofu

After tidying up the site, the three of them didn't separate or go back immediately. It should be known that it was only a 10-minute walk from here to Yuan Zhou's restaurant.

Therefore, the three of them went to Yuan Zhou's restaurant in unison.

Usually, this was the time when Yin ya came to drink with Yuan Zhou. However, since Yin ya took a temporary leave, this time had been shifted to the evening.

Because of that, Yuan Zhou even sent Yin ya back to her home more often these days, increasing the time they spent together.

However, in the afternoon, Yuan Zhou was practicing his culinary skills with all his might. When the three of them arrived, Yuan Zhou was holding a vegetable knife in one hand and a piece of white and tender tofu in the other and practicing.

Recently, Yuan Zhou had been practicing sculpting soft objects. After all, he had come to an end in sculpting hard objects. Naturally, he should start practicing sculpting soft objects.