Official media report

It was the morning of April 28th. No, it would be more appropriate to say it was early in the morning.

At this time, Taoxi road was no longer the same as it was a few days ago. The surrounding area had long been surrounded by firefighters, Public Security Bureau, special police force, and traffic police.

These people had come one after another in the past few days. Now, the area around Taoxi road, including the entire Food City, could be said to be in good order. It had reached the level of not closing the doors at night, and not leaving a single person on the road.

The police force here was unexpectedly large. If they broke the law here, it would be worse than accidentally running to the police station after a robbery.

However, at Yuan Zhou's request, this place wasn't sealed off. It was only loose on the inside and tight on the outside. Therefore, there were already cars driving over here although it was only 3 am.