The aftermath (Part 2)

Master Cheng had come prepared. He went directly to the door of dashi xiujie's room.

That's right. Before he came here, master Cheng had inquired about all the information, including which floor and which room dashi xiujie was staying in.

He wanted to tell dashi xiujie that head chef Yuan was a father that he would never be able to get and that he would never accept him as a disciple.

With such a thought in mind, master Cheng knocked on the door heavily.

However, a minute later, even a dead person would wake up from master Cheng's knocking. Yet, it was as quiet as a chicken inside the room.

"Could it be that this little red guy knows that I'm here to look for him and doesn't dare to open the door?“

Master Cheng was so angry that he blurted out the Shanghai language that he had learned from God knows where.

However, it was useless. The door still stood there quietly, and no one opened it.