The saber King Yuan Zhou!

"It's not hard, we're always flying. " Old man Wang said seriously.

"This is head chef Yuan, China's number one chef," Wang Huai started to make the introductions,"head chef Yuan, this is my useless eldest son." Wang Mingjie. Head chef Yuan, you can just call him Mingjie. "

"I've long heard of your great name. " Wang Mingjie didn't look down on Yuan Zhou at all because of his young age. From his tone and manner, one could tell that he really respected Yuan Zhou.

"Elder Wang, you're too kind." Yuan Zhou said and then said to Wang Mingjie,""Head chef Ming Jie is also the pillar of Jiangsu cuisine."

"My cooking skills are still far from good." When Wang Mingjie said "too far apart", he was referring to his own father. He couldn't be compared to Yuan Zhou. In fact, those who knew Yuan Zhou well would never compare themselves to him.