The attentive Yuan Zhou

"I didn't expect to be able to eat peony stir-fried meat one day." Mo Yu couldn't help but sigh after eating.

On the other side, the girl with bangs said,""I feel like my entire body smells good. This is better than any perfume. If only I could eat it every day. I don't even need to use perfume to smell good."

"Yes, I think so too." Xiaochen nodded in agreement and said,"I finally know why the ladies of the big families in ancient times exhaled like orchids. I feel like I'm the same now."

"The flower banquet isn't on the menu yet. This is specially prepared by Yuan Zhou for everyone to eat." Yin ya said with an apologetic yet proud expression.

"That's a pity. With such an ingenious banquet, I'm afraid that business negotiations will be much smoother." Jiang N stated his purpose.