The people with happiness

Tian Miao's affirmative answer made her grandparents 'eyes water, and they all turned to wipe their cheeks.

When Yin ya received the look from teacher Guan, she also said, "We'll all help. I've already contacted the school. "

"Really? thank you so much, miss Yin ya. Thank you so much." Tian Miao's grandma stepped forward excitedly and held Yin ya's hand, thanking her repeatedly.

"It's really lucky for our Miaomiao to know you, miss Yin ya. Thank you. Thank you so much. " Tian Miao's grandmother kept on saying words of thanks.

As for Tian Miao's grandfather, he just cast a few grateful glances at Yin ya and then suddenly turned around to leave.

"Hey, old man, where are you going?" Seeing that he was about to leave, grandma Tian called out to Grandpa Tian in confusion.

"I'll go and pick more autumn pears for teacher Guan and the village chief to eat. " Tian Miao's grandfather said in a muffled voice, before pausing.""Bring more back for miss Yin ya."