The nine-man Association

Next, toroma and marishero gave this small exchange a very impressive name,"Ambrosia's Western nine-man meal."

Ambrosia was from Greek, meaning "God's food."

"Sometimes, I have to admit that you're really smart." Since the matter had been resolved, marashera was still very happy, so he praised toroma Mali which was a rare occasion.

"I also have to admit that you can be smart sometimes. Tulaoma said.

The two of them flattered each other, causing Bayer to be dumbfounded. Wasn't he the one who thought of this?

"Toroma, when do you think the nine of Ambrosia's will hold it?" Marashero asked.

"Since it's to make up for our lack of manners, I don't think it's appropriate to hold it too late. However, the venue is in China, and it will take some time, so we should try to hold it within two weeks." Turama answered after some thought.