Do you dare to believe?

He didn't know if he dared to believe it.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Herbert was a world-renowned doctor, and a very famous one at that, especially when it came to pancreatic cancer, many doctors would have flipped their tables on the spot. 'We're discussing saving a life, and you're the one who's talking about food?'

However, Herbert was also someone who had proposed many proposals in such meetings, so how could he come unprepared? He had really underestimated him. Without anyone knowing, Herbert had already led more than 20 patients to master chef Restaurant for a meal. Moreover, Herbert himself had stayed in Chengdu for a long time, so he was sure that other restaurants could not do the same.

Whether it was the report or the data, Herbert had prepared everything for this proposal. So what if it sounded unbelievable? There was solid evidence.

In the end, old he's application was put on hold due to the lack of manpower in master chef Restaurant.