The delicious stewed noodles

At that time, Wang Hong was explaining to' the witch of the heavenly demon sect 'that there was no witch in his second book, but that the witch would appear again in the third book. Of course, he was talking about the way she would appear again.

"Demoness, which method do you think is more appropriate to appear after falling off the cliff? did someone find it at the bottom of the cliff, or did they find a martial arts secret manual below and practice it into a peerless martial art before coming up on their own? or did the demoness meet a Divine Doctor Who lived in seclusion below and was saved? which do you think is better?" Wang Hong had a 'how do you think you should appear' expression on his face.

"Oh, you can decide on your own book." Fang Heng's face was cold and he had a negative attitude of not wanting to communicate at all.