Such high requirements for the chef?

One was not afraid of a cultured chef, but of a chef with good knife skills, let alone Yuan Zhou who was so good that he was almost undefeatable.

"This ... How much capital does the Christie's auction house have to offer to sell such a high-level sculpture as a gift?"

This was the fat merchant's first reaction. He then realized that the auction house had never said that it was a free auction. To put it bluntly, it was all their own idea.

"It seems that Wu's painting was indeed created according to this sculpture. This is the intention of auctioning them together. The two pieces of art are one. The sculpture, in particular, surprised me. It's so small, but it can be carved so exquisitely."

"By the way, are there such high requirements to be a master chef nowadays?" The collector felt that after the auction, he should ask the Western food Master he knew if he could do it.

The Western cuisine master was speechless. You're daydreaming.