You can Photoshop it

Master chef Restaurant had been very lively these days. The daily activities had changed from ordering, eating, and snatching to ordering, eating, snatching, choosing photos, and posting them. The last time it was so boisterous was when Yuan Zhou had a 50% discount and the king of soup had a competition to campaign for votes.

Zhou Jia was also very busy recently. It was almost the end of the year and the company was also very busy. Even Jiang Changxi was busy every day.

That afternoon, after finishing work for a while, Zhou Jia called Shen Min during the working hours. Since Shen Min was in Shanghai, she couldn't ask for leave to come back at this time. Therefore, after Shen Min found out about the photo wall in her WeChat moments, she discussed with Zhou Jia and sent the selected photos to the company immediately, and Zhou Jia helped to paste them up.

While they were discussing this on WeChat, a call came in and he looked at the caller ID.