Smashing Yuan Zhou with money

Atticus 'professionalism was unquestionable. With another example, everyone would know how professional he was. As the first wave of angel investment, the naughty kid invested in Atticus's company.

I believe many people are suspicious. How could a devilish brat have so much money? Don't doubt Jiang Changxi's investment in the devilish brat. Jiang Changxi was giving him real money. In addition, the angel investment for Atticus this time was also done by Queen Jiang. After all, the devilish brat was still underage.

There was a huge difference between people who knew how to make money and people who didn 't. Those who knew how to make money had already shown signs of it since they were young.

The hotel and accommodation were arranged just right, even Mo Li, who had a bad temper, was very satisfied.

"Atticus, we would like to visit Yuan. When is a suitable time? please arrange it." Lucca waited until everyone had settled down before he immediately said.