I can't be saved, goodbye

Yuan Zhou's culinary skills could be worthy of such an evaluation."Cooking is an art, but it is also a sophisticated technique."

For example, when cooking the grilled mandarin fish, the amount of green onion and lard was accurately calculated. Don't think that it was an exaggeration, and don't think that it was not something that could be done by humans.

At least, Yuan Zhou could do it and had been doing it all the time. There was a cliché question, why could the food cooked by Yuan Zhou be so delicious? other than the good ingredients, it was also extremely important to pay attention to the details of every cooking step.

After opening it, the green onions were glistening with oil, and the fish meat was as white as new. However, at the part where the fish skin and fish meat were split open, some of them were slightly red, and the red in the White was indeed worthy of its reputation.