Receiving milk tea

"Come, come, come. Let's watch TV and chat. This is a little snack from little Yuan."

After lunch, Papa Yin quickly put away the bowls and chopsticks while Mama Yin moved the desserts from Yuan Zhou and the dried fruits and snacks from home to the tea table.

In Yin ya's home, the decoration of the living room was the same as that of most families. A three-seater sofa was facing the TV wall, and in front of it was a tea table. On the left and right of the tea table were two single-seater sofas.

Yin ya and Mama Yin sat on the three-seater sofa, while Yuan Zhou and Papa Yin sat on the single sofa.

The TV was showing a recent domestic drama. Actually, they were not mainly watching TV, but mainly chatting about daily life.

At first, they had a good chat until Mrs. Yin ate the snacks prepared by Yuan Zhou.

"I've eaten this hundred-fruit honey cake before, but it's not as delicious as this!" Mrs. Yin said.