Busy business

In the car.

"How is it? are you getting along well with your junior brothers and sisters?" Yuan Zhou said.

"Everyone admires master. I've already told them about the notes and the quiz. Don't worry, master." Cheng zhaomei replied.

"That's good. In the future, I'll have to trouble you to take care of my junior brothers and sisters. " Yuan Zhou said.

"It's no trouble at all," Cheng zhaomei immediately said."I'm very willing to help you."

Cheng zhaomei had always been very respectful to Yuan Zhou, whether it was before or after she had officially become his disciple. She would never spare any effort when she could.

"You also need to learn how to arrange your time properly." Yuan Zhou reminded him.

"I know, master." Cheng zhaomei replied.

The distance between the chef's Association and master chef Restaurant wasn't too far nor too close, so they arrived in just a few words.